Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Identifying my genre and demographic

My music magazine will focus on the genre of pop/ hip-hop

My demoghraphic will mainly be female teens between the ages of 12-16 because they are more likely to listen to this genre of music and listen to it regularly which will enourage them to by my magazine so they cand find out things about there favourite artists.

I'm doing a pop/hip-hop magazine because I think that I will be-able to get poeple and make a realistic 'pop group' and this will give me ideas for articles (e.g. new group/artist). Also having ideas for a pop magazine before I've started my product means that i will be-able to get started on it and make a good first draft.
I also  think that there are a few good locations around portishead that i can use to have good images for an article (e.g shooting a music video article?)

My audience will help me to understand what they're looking for in a pop magazine and the feed back i will get from my servey will give me ideas on how to make an appealing magazine for my audience.

So far all those who have responded to my survey think that a pop magazine should constist of advertisements related to fashion, makeup, festivals, beauty and hygeine products ETC. This gives me the idea that my main magazine audience will be young females.
They also think that the main people on the front cover should be young attractive male and females that are in there teens or young twenties.
Many respondents say that a pop magazine should have vibrant colours, the main colours they said was pink and blue.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Thursday, 13 December 2012


For my coursework I will be doing a front cover,contents and double page spread of a music magazine. First I need to research and plan my music magazine. (e.g. what genre? what colour scheme? Etc.) After I've researched a planned i will need to make my first rough draft. Then by February 18th i will need my final copy.

Pop music is associated with the charts and that has a wide range of artists and music. Pop magazines are aimed at the demographic of female teenagers aged 11-16.
It is also widely used in the mass media. Pop(ular) music is often used for movie soundtracks, played on many commercial radio stations, used in adverts Etc.

Pop magazine front pages are usually crammed with celebrity gossip and they mention some sort of competition or prize.

The main picture is usually of a huge artist or artists (eg. one direction, rhianna etc.) that have recently got a number 1 single/album or there is a big story headline about them.
The colours are usually bright and stand out. (Happy colours)

Conventions of music magazines.

They have short memorable magazine titles!

Most magazines have their price underneath the title on the front cover.

Bright colour schemes and the clothing in the images usually goes with the colour scheme.

Bold, clear font in sub headings that catch the readers eye

One main image based on a big article in the magazine. In all music magazines there is usually one picture which is big and has a catchy headline to attract the audience.

Most music magazines have some sort of advertisement on the front cover.
Catchy phrases attract audiences.
There is usually eye contact from the celebrity in the image.

Magazine must have - Barcodes, Dates, Price and Issue numbers

Tuesday, 11 December 2012


Title behind picture. The magazine is well known that the title does not need to be fully shown because people recognise it by the picturs they put on the cover (rock bands).

Band name across the picture. People who enjoy the band will see the title and will instantly want to read more.

The front cover has lots of band names on it and this will attract more people who enjoy those types of genres.

Black and white is the main coulor scheme but there are hints of other colours (red,orange). Contrasting colours catch the eye of their audience.

Promotions and gifts attract the audience.
More pictures giving a preview of whats in the magazine.


Bold heading. Stands out to the audience.

Black, white and red coulor scheme. These colours contrast eachother and draws attention to the magazine

There is only one photo this is usually a pictiure of the main topic/headline. The picture is big which will stand out to the audience. Black and white picture keeps with the colour scheme.

The text is arranged around the image. The only writing on the image is the title of the magazine which is placed on his hat (makes the title stand out).

No barcode